Virtual Business: How Companies Thrive in the Landscape of Today
Working from home isn’t a brand new concept. While the COVID-19 pandemic certainly made it far more common, there have long been certain jobs that could be done remotely. But one concept that was largely unheard of before 2020 is that of the ‘virtual business’- specifically the 100% virtual business.
Many companies allow their employees to work from home, either all of the time or just some of the time. Then there are the companies whose entire staff work from home, because they don’t have any offices. For these types of businesses, location is basically irrelevant, barring any notable time differences.
So, how do virtual businesses work, and how can you know whether your company is suited to such a model? In today’s blog, we’ll be breaking down all you need to know about thriving as a virtual business.

How do Virtual Businesses Work?
A virtual business is one whose setup operates via the internet. Typically, many processes can be carried out without any need for a physical office, and this became most clear during the pandemic. Remote working and remote processes helped companies to minimise the losses they may otherwise have faced during that time.
The Right People for a Virtual Business
One of the things that makes some businesses hesitant to institute remote operations is the trust factor. If you’re hiring a number of new employees, how can you be sure that they’ll perform well outside of an office? While the majority of people working from home seem to want to keep it that way, there are certainly some who require an office environment to be as productive as possible. The comfort of your own home might seem completely ideal on paper, but potential distractions are aplenty.
The perfect candidate for a remote position would be confident in their ability to work on their own, and to take the initiative. If a candidate has no prior experience in a remote role, you might be reluctant to take them on- but to fully reap the benefits of a virtual business, you’re going to need to take some chances.

Hybrid Business: Which Type is Best for You?
So, how do you decide whether the work environment of your business should be remote, hybrid, or an office? First you need to understand the differences between each model.
The remote-first model allows your employees to mostly work remotely, but they’ll also have the option to go into the office when they feel it’s necessary, or when you request it. Many workers appreciate this work model, as it allows them to work to their personal preferences. If an employee prefers working in the office, they can do so, but if the opposite is true then they can do that too.
The office-first work model, on the other hand, would require your employees to be in the office more than they’re working from home. This would be the ideal option if there are certain processes that simply go smoother at the office.
There is also the schedule-based hybrid model, which would mean you assign specific days in the week for people to come into the office. This allows your employees the chance to collaborate on a regular basis, without the office getting too crowded.
At Active Digital, we offer tech solutions regardless of your business’s size, or requirements. To find out more about how we could help your business, head to our Services page or contact Active Digital on 01892 835522.