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06.05.2020 Blog

Lockdown sees UK mobile data usage on the rise

It comes as no surprise that we have seen the rise of the amount of data being used during this lockdown period. More people are working from home, some relying on their mobile to hotspot for their connection. Zoom calls, FaceTime calls, WhatsApp video calling to name a few, have literally seen us ploughing through UK…

24.04.2020 News

Sanofi and GSK to join forces in unprecedented vaccine collaboration to fight COVID-19

In an official press announcement on the 14th April 2020, Sanofi and GSK announced that they have signed a letter of intent to develop an adjuvanted vaccine for COVID-19, using innovative technology from both companies, to help address the ongoing pandemic. Sanofi, a valued customer to Active Digital for over two decades, will contribute its…

21.04.2020 Blog

What We’ve Learnt through Managing a Crisis like COVID19

Many of us know the pros and cons of working from home. Especially those who have young children or even possibly older children who had been undergoing the stresses of exams. Through these unprecedented times, telecommunication companies, such as ourselves, Active Digital, is considered an essential service provider. We take a huge amount of pride…

14.04.2020 News

The iPhone 9: Apple’s return to affordability

The iPhone 11 range was revealed to much acclaim back in September, so typically we wouldn’t expect any new phones to be forthcoming from Apple until the launch of an inevitable sequel one year on. However, rumours are circling of a new upcoming model that’s set to be launched anytime soon. This handset is reckoned to be a desperately needed…

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