12.02.2019 NEWS

Hyperion Atlantic Challenge

In 2017, for the sixth consecutive year, Hyperion was recognised in the Sunday Times International Track 200 as one of the UK’s private companies with the fastest growing international sales.

As part of the Group’s Million for a Million fundraising challenge, Active Digital are delighted to see RKH Specialty’s Alexander Simpson (RKH Speciality is part of the Hyperion Insurance Group) is embarking on his third ocean crossing. They are supporting four charities, which are Black Dog Institute, Cancer Research UK, InteRed and Plastic Ocean Foundation. Alex and his crew mate Jamie Gordon, from Tunbridge Wells, have taken on the challenge to row from Gran Canaria to Barbados covering roughly 4,800 km (2,602 nautical miles), equating to one million strokes as quickly as possible.

Alex has a positive track record of ocean crossings and has achieved four world records from his two previous crossings. In avoidance of superstition, the overall ambition of this feat is to cross the Atlantic in record time in under 37 days. The ocean offers plenty of unknowns and scenarios out of their control.


• A new sleep pattern of 2 hours on / 2 hours off, 24 hours a day
• Rowing at night (a ‘favourite’ of Alex’s!)
• Dealing with extreme weather (40 foot waves at times and a beating sun)
• Avoidance of ships in shipping lanes
• Keeping morale high (When one person is rowing, the other is resting in a cabin)
• Maintaining and looking after the boat ‘Storm’, our home for an indefinite amount of time
• Jumping in the ocean and preventing barnacle growth on the hull of the boat to avoid friction

A truly inspiring Challenge! Needless to say, the support to Alex and Jamie in this epic charity fundraiser is greatly appreciated.

Click here to find out more – https://www.hyperionatlanticchallenge.com/the-challenge/

Let’s talk. 01892 835522

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