How’s your new normal?

We are all settling in nicely from our new home offices and adapting to our new normal.
It has been lovely reading through our Team Feed on the ILG One app each day, so many motivational messages from different team members: sharing good customer feedback, what they have been baking in their spare time, along with lunch break workouts and 5K runs. It’s very warming seeing everyone supporting each other and remaining so upbeat.
We hope all of our customers are keeping safe and well.
If there is anything we can help support you with – mobile broadband, signal boost boxes, accessories or maybe we need to look at your account to ensure you are on the most cost effective tariff. Please do get in touch, we’re here to help. Why not use the Live Chat option to the bottom right of your screen?
iPhone 6s

Did you know we have limited stock of the iPhone 6S?
If you are in need of an additional phone, maybe you need a replacement handset for your personal number, a friend or family member?
Why not take a look at the amazing offer we have on the iPhone 6S.
Starting from £99.00 per handset, 4.7″ retina display, supports 4K video recording and is pretty durable. What is there not to love.
As expected with Apple, the handsets really are made to last. They still run off iOS13 Software so you can get all the latest software updates.
These handsets are also perfect if your children are needing a phone. Are they starting secondary school and you would like them to have a mobile phone, making it easy to stay in contact on their journey to and from school? You could even look at our Izzy J software to keep them safe and secure when using it.
Security for your business mobiles

It has been a rapid change for IT departments recently with the transition from working at the office to being at home. Some employers are asking their employees to use their personal laptops and phones, with such a quick transition there may not have been any other option. Ensure you team is working from home securely.
Now is the time to consider McAfee. Protect your devices from Malware.
Some top tips to keep you secure:
Downloading Apps: When downloading an App please check it is genuine, ensure it is from the official company and check reviews before you download. We have heard reports of illegitimate apps, posing as Zoom and one for N-95 face masks which are downloaded and lock your handset.
Phishing calls, texts and emails: If you receive a communication from a person you do not know asking you to click a link, please don’t click it. This is a way for them to hook you in, download malware to your phone or take you to a risky website. Remember that the Government or your bank will never contact you directly asking for personal information or money.
Software: Ensure the latest software is installed on your laptops and handsets. Developers and researchers are finding new ways to fix security risks all the time but they are only installed with the latest software. So please ensure you are uptodate with the devices operating system.
Passwords: Ensure you are always using a strong password and not the same one used across many platforms. Change them regularly and especially if you feel you may have been opened up to a risk.
Keep all your mobile fleet devices safe with McAfee Anti Virus. Device to cloud cyber security.
– Online management
– Multi device cover
– Protects against viruses, spam, malware and identity theft
Search, shop and bank online with peace of mind. McAfee even warns you if a website is untrustworthy before you enter.
How does it work:
McAfee Multi Access protects you against viruses, spam, malware and identity theft making sure your documents and customer data are safe.
Covers all types of devices, so not only is your PC safe but so is your smartphone, tablet and iPad.
A single licence covers up to five devices. All managed online so easy to add each device.
Always up-to-date with the latest virus information and doesn’t drain your battery.
Contact your Account Manager or a member of the team to talk about the benefits McAfee has to offer you, giving you peace of mind that your business mobiles are safe and secure.
Time to upgrade?

Are you currently due to upgrade or will be in the coming months? It might not be the first thing on your mind and we understand that. Although we wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t tell you about brilliant new tariffs and handsets available.
There are some great offers from the networks at the moment and we understand how vital your mobile phones for your business are. Keeping connected and communicating is so important.
So if you’re at the end of your contract or nearing it, remember we can look to upgrade your account a little earlier. The team are dedicated to running your mobile account as smoothly as possible. Why not give them a call today to see if there are changes we would recommend for you.
Company Update
We are all still working from home and using our ILG One app to keep us connected. We have been having weekly meetings with the team and customers through merging calls, FaceTime and Zoom.
Our YouTube channel is full of new hints and tips for your iPhone – why not take a look and subscribe. All new videos are loaded to the My Active Digital app.